How to know if your child is ready to sew


Every kid is different, and you get to decide if your child is ready to learn to sew. Here are some good indicators that your child is physically and mentally ready to sew:

Their fine motor skills allow them to complete tasks like lacing cards or stringing beads

Tasks like these will show you if they are ready to hold a needle and push it through the fabric with relatively accurate placing. If you want to make your own quick and easy lacing card with no sewing required, click here.

They can focus on an activity for 5 minutes

(Yes, really! I can help you teach your kid to sew even if they can only focus for a few minutes at a time) For those with a short attention span, be patient and willing to do small steps only in a session. how to thread a needle, how to do a simple stitch, etc.

They can follow safety directions, and use scissors and other tools appropriately

Sewing includes some potentially dangerous tools, do not allow children to use them without appropriate supervision.

They want to learn or are at least open to the idea

  • Please don’t force your kid to learn to sew! If you force it now and they aren’t interested, it could result in a much longer period before they may be willing to try again in the future. If you are trying to encourage their interest, I recommend looking through sewing projects for something they may be interested in making. If the project they’d like to make is above beginner level, it may be motivating enough to get through another project or two to gain the skills to make their desired project.

That really is all, sewing is for everyone so there aren’t many requirements! I have a number of projects that allow for major flexibility in what steps your child does, and what tools you’re ready to let them use. So take a look and see what might be right for you and your child. If you have further questions about your specific child’s readiness, feel free to contact me directly. I’m always happy to direct you to the right starting place for your personal circumstances, happy sewing!

2 Responses

  1. I want to teach my 9 yr old granddaughter to sew. She wants to learn! Can she learn on a regular sewing machine, or should she get a child’s machine? What is the first thing to teach her?

    1. Hi Gay!
      I love that your granddaughter wants to learn to sew! I recommend everyone learns some simple hand sewing to start, but at that age she’ll want to move on to the machine in a project or two. I don’t recommend getting “kid size” sewing machines, I think they are unnecessary and will be grown out of quickly. I DO recommend purchasing a sewing machine with speed control. Being able to slow a kid down while they’re learning to control a rapidly moving needle is a good idea in my opinion haha. Also important is to make sure she can reach the pedal easily! Either by having her sit at a kid sized table or desk, or boosting up the pedal on a box or stool so her knee is at a 90 degree angle. Here’s a machine I’d recommend that will get her on a good start, and will last many years even as she improves and works on bigger projects! Brother CP100X machine I’ll have a few posts up soon with projects for first time sewers around her age, I hope you’ll stick around and keep an eye out for them!